A software for sleep analysis in Drosophila

Author Archive

Ishimoto et al.

The steroid molting hormone Ecdysone regulates sleep in adult Drosophila melanogaster. Ishimoto H, Kitamoto T. Genetics. 2010 May;185(1):269-81

Keene et al.

Clock and cycle Limit Starvation-Induced Sleep Loss in Drosophila. Keene AC, Duboué ER, McDonald DM, Dus M, Suh GS, Waddell S, Blau J. Curr Biol. 2010 Jul 13;20(13):1209-15.

Validation of video analysis

Why Video analysis? The current mechanism of sleep analysis in Drosophila relies completely on fly activity, yet the standard system based on IR beam breaking can provide only a very limited measure of a fly movements. For instance, if the animal moves away from the infrared beam no movement can be detected. A very detailed comparison of video analysis vs. IR ...

Hacking a webcam to improve lighting conditions

Hacking of the webcam: an example Here we provide instruction on how to modify a logitech webcam (Quickcam 9000 pro) to be used for our purposes. With some adaptation, the instruction provided here will probably apply to any webcam. Hacking does not require a particular set of skills.   To start you will need: a proper set ...

Building a recording chamber

What is a recording chamber? A recording chamber, also referred here as Monitor, is a device required to house and record a fix number of flies. Each recording chamber is composed of essentially three separate parts: a recording arena, where flies are housed a single usb camera connected to the computer a "box" putting things together and isolating flies from external conditions (e.g.: light) if needed In ...

General Requirements

Hardware requirement. pySolo-Video, the video acquisition extension of pySolo works using regular webcams as image source and infrared lightings as illumination source. The detection algorythm is sensitive enough and does not require high definition cameras. For this reason, a system can be setup that uses very inexpensive webcam (the $10 models on ebay will work fine). Moreover, processing of the images ...

Getting Started

Things to do to get started: Start from this page to learn a little bit more of what pysolo can do. You may want to proceed by going to the screenshots section to have a look at what pysolo looks like Download pysolo. If you are running a PC with MS windows you can pick the binary ...


Use the comment space in this page or send me an email to suggest a feature you would like to see implemented in pySolo. I cannot promise to satisfy all features timely but I can promise that I will consider all of them and get back to you. 2011/06/23 - Wen-feng C. Can I get the parameter of 'sleep latency' at light-on ...

Structure of the files

Structure of the DAD files The DAD files are binary files compressed using the zip format; in order to access the data one first needs to open the temporary file stored in the zip archive. The zip compression is very effective for this kind of data and the disk saving one can achieve is in the order of 50 times (meaning ...

The tree coordinates system

Every time the user clicks on the navigation tree, the program knows what data we are supposed to fetch. A sequence of 5 coordinates is then passed to the variable called GUI['dtList'] and the five coordinates are five integers t, g, m, d, f that you will use to retrieve data from the list of DAMslices. t = coord_class (optional) g = genotype m = ...

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