A software for sleep analysis in Drosophila

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The DAMslice class

Processing and storage of raw data is described in a class called DAMslice described in a file called pysolo_slices.py. The DAMslice object also contains some of the basic functions to manipulate the data. Here I will briefly list the public functions and properties of DAMslice. Some of them are treated with further detail in other pages. DAMslices are the hearth ...

Appendix 1.2 – TriKinetics data handling

This script will help you collecting the data from the Trikinetics system. This is a step by step guide on how to use it: Go to the TriKinetics webpage, download and install the latest DAMSystem software. As I write the latest version is 3.0.3. Install the software by copying it anywhere on your disk. Configure it the way you wish. pySolo ...

Appendix 1.1 – Using TriKinetics Software under linux

TriKinetics uses a proprietary software to handle data acquisition and storage. The software runs on Windows and MacOSX and can be downloaded from their webpage. With a little adjustment, the software will run under linux too. Here follows the instruction on how to get it working on Ubuntu 10.04. 1. Install wine from the Ubuntu software center or issuing from the ...

Using pySolo – The analysis

pySolo analysis is where all the analysis is done. This part of the program is structured in a very expandable way. In the analysis notebook, every tab provides a different functionality and every tab is coded by a separate plugin. It is possible, for the advanced user, to modify existing panels or to create new ones. Loading the data Load the date ...

Using pySolo – The database

Use pySolo database to keep a record of all your experiments and to fetch and elaborate the raw data into DAD files, ready to be open with pySolo analysis. Entering data Once the configuration options are properly filled in, you can start filling the database. You can fill in your data using either the listing page or the browser page. ...


The first time you will run pySolo, the program will detect that no preference file exists and will prompt you with the Option Panel. From the option panel you can modify all the configuration parameters that pySolo needs to run. The preferences are then stored in a file called pysolo.opt, located in the pySolo folder or your home folder. The ...

First run

Starting the program using the binary/prepackaged version If you installed pySolo using the prepackaged version, just run it by selecting the program icon from the start menu of your OS. In Ubuntu, pySolo and pySolo video will be both under the "Science" subfolder of your start menu. Starting the program using the development version To run pySolo just navigate on the folder and ...


Two version of pySolo are downloadable at any time: a development version, also known as nightly build, and a stable version. The development version is latest available, updated daily or weekly and it does require python to run. The stable version is updated every now and then. It comes as pre-compiled binary for windows or as deb package for Ubuntu ...

What is new

The features that have been added to the developmental version are not been inlcuded in the documentation yet. They will be by the time the developmental version becomes stable. If you would like to suggest a feature, please add it here. pySolo - developmental version TO DO Add support for import plug-ins in the database pySolo v1.0 (released on 2012/01/21) Fixed bug for merging ...

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